Friday, November 26, 2010

Lets get down to the nitty gritty

I don't know where to start cause there's so much to talk about. It's kinda crazy how when your not looking to find anyone they just seem to appear.

When I met Travis I thought he was a good looking guy and had a lot going for him. I had heard that my friend had told him about my neard story. I was so embarrassed that she had told him and that they thought it was real. I was working out one night when someone said hi to me. I'm not going to lie I had no clue who it was. Trav brought up the neard story, all I could think about was how dumb I was for ever bringing up that to anyone. I am not a normal chick but even I don't dream about how hot a neard is. Anyways we talked for a minuet about life and then it was time for me to get my abs on.
After that I didn't really think about Trav. He had invited me to go to his house but I had something every time he did. I saw him in the hall at school one day and told him I would get him my number. Still I didn't really think about him much cause I was still dating a guy I had met right when I came to school. One day tho I was just sitting on my bed listening to music. A song came on and Trav's name popped into my head. I messaged him my number cause I remembered that I had told him I would give it too him. We txted for a little bit and I thought he seems like not a tool so he passed my first test. I still was dating someone but didn't see it going anywhere and wanted to just focus on school. One goal I had made this semester was that I was going to do school and not boys. Well that didn't work out so after I had ended things I was just going to study and work hard at my internship. One night out of the blue I got a call from Trav asking me to ice cream night at his house. I had a lot to do and didn't show up. Later that week he asked me to his house so I decided I should give this poor boy a chance =) just kidding Travis!!!! Anyways I ran and he lifted which I'll just throw this out there but he has a dang nice body. So after wards we went to his house cause he wanted to make me a smoothie. To me it was kinda weird walking into a house of boys not wondering what they are thinking. We talked and got to know each other better. I thought he was fun and wanted to get to know him better as a friend. Well that all changed the next time I saw him.
We talked and I saw him around campus here and there. I loved how he dressed up for school not looking like a lazy bum. I was sitting in the hub doing some homework when someone brought me a flyer. It was of Travis and said he had a show. I was like dang this boy may have more going on then I thought. I told him I would come if he would play me a song just joking around. My roommate and me went to dinner with her cousin and were talking that night. I told them that there was a concert I wanted to go to after dinner. The place we were at took FOREVER for our food. I had just decided that I wasn't going to go see him and make up some lame reason I didn't make it. Someone I knew there had called me tho and told me to come. We ate fast and showed up. Now it's still at that weird stage where you kinda know someone but not well enough to just walk right up to them and talk. So we went to the back and just sat down. He started to play and I was very impressed by his voice and the way he carried himself. All the sudden I saw Travis point to me and say this song was for me. He then sang about neards and facebook. I thought it was really funny but cute that he remembered that. After I gave him a hug and we left. We got together that night but I don't like to talk about that night cause too much happened. After that night tho I started to like Travis Chambers. One thing I will say is that we wanted to get to know each other better so instead of watching a movie we went up stairs and talked. He got his guitar and we talked while he would play and sing. That was not fair to me AT ALL. One thing I love more that chocolate is boys who play and sing the guitar. He looked so fantastic just sitting there and I just kept looking at his eyes. After we left all I could think about was how dare he sing and play that well. After that night everything about Trav had changed to me. He wasn't just someone that you hang out with a couple of times and then stop talking too. We went and delivered flyers one night for something he had to do. We walked around Main st just putting up flyers and talking. I had so much fun cause I was able to be myself and didn't feel like I had to impress him at all. After that we went on a date and I just knew that there was something different about this boy.
I have always been the type to just have fun and live in the moment. Having trust in someone is just too hard and I would rather have no strings attached. Travis has changed that about me. Now all I want to do is go over and play with him. I have never had someone treat me the way he does. When I leave after being with him all I can do is smile and call my mom to tell her what we did. He makes me want to be a better person and try harder. I have never had someone just listen to me and respect me the way he does. He has such a tender heart and I love that about him. We are starting to become really good friends and I feel like I can open up to him about everything. That was one thing that shocked me was how easy it was for me to be open to him. He is a pretty dang good guy and theres more I could write about. I can't stay awake tho after staying up all night shopping. I will write more after I get to see Travis since he has been at his cabin with no service.

Monday, November 22, 2010

In the beginning

One day I was shaving, having the good life, when a chain of events plunged me into having the incredible all started with........
THE NEARD! As I was shaving my two week grown rugged beard, a friend called and said he had arrived to buy my pressure washer. Half realizing I had a neard with a John Taylor likeness, I zoomed out the door. Coming back in the house, Ariel Briscoe commented on how gnarly my neard was, telling me she had a friend who had joked about having a fantasy to braid and then shave a guy's beard. Of COURSE! I had to see who this girl was....where did that come from?!?!? This girl HAD to be interesting.

I was introduced.....via the stalker's first tool of choice.......through facebook... This neard fantasy girl happened to be on and Ariel and I had fun embarrassing with the public knowledge about their inside joke.

Chelsea Featherstone was her name. We wrote each other a few messages and talked about getting together...but it just didn't quite come together. It was likely the whole neard thing. There was just a big neard experience between us. :)

More than a month later I'd forgotten about the experience mostly when I saw Chelsea in the gym. I was impressed by how in shape she was and how intense she was working out. Pretty sure she didn't recognize me....but it was ok....When I saw her I knew I had great material for conversation. "Hey do you remember me?" She didn't look too sure. "Hmm...i might have to grow my neard out for you to remember." She laughed, but I couldn't read the girl. I wasn't sure if my charm was working or not. I talked to her a few more times there, trying my best not to look like a big tool flirting in the gym. She told me she had been there working out for two hours. I was impressed. Very impressed. She looked gooood and was so sweet, but yet I couldn't read her! I asked her if she wanted to come over for a smoothie, in previous messages we had talked about me giving her a tour of the Sig Ep house, i threw that in as well. She couldn't because she had an intermural volleyball game.....uh oh....volleyball? I said to myself this isn't going to work out if she's way into volleyball....once she finds out I know nothing about the sport.....i'm toast....but fortunately, she wasn't too obsessed with volleyball I found out later. I also didn't care too much because I'd started seeing Christina again....pretty much fooling myself into a relapse that wouldn't last long. But the excitement gave me confidence...psh...I had stuff going I didn't need to work for a lady.....but this Chelsea had me intrigued, but I played it cool and let it slide.....ah....I thought....I'll see her again i'm sure...whateva.....

Well I did! I told her at the gym if she wanted to set something up to message me her number.....she didn' I played it too cool for school and did nothing of course....somehow later she ended up messaging me her number and later we set up to meet at the gym.

We met there, I think she ran like ten miles while I lifted and barely broke a sweat, and we headed over to the house. I was impressed she'd go into a house full of guys after working out and not be self-conscious. I made her my favorite mango-blue raspberry smoothie. A few guys in the house drooled over her....Kurt in particular....we must have the same taste in women....or he's desperate....not sure which one, but at least he knows a beautiful girl when he sees one, as do I.

We hit it off.

Chelsea had me interested now, very interested. We were flirting like no ones business and it was flowing like honey! She was so sweet, quirky, and easy going, I was lovin' it! I was excited to get deeper, down to the nitty gritty as Nacho Libre would say. I played it cool, tried to keep it short and she went on her way.

I'm super tired! That's all for now!!!! Help me finish the story Ms. Featherstone?

I MUST write about tonight was magical....Chelsea and I laid on the grass on old main and unraveled life's mysteries and our feelings for each other. Tonight the unraveling continued and Chelsea opened her heart to me in a big way. She told me about how right she felt about me. I couldn't believe how many things we shared in common. I already knew about superficial hobbies and lifestyles, but our views on relationships, family, future plans, kids, marriage, courtship, so many things were totally similar. She melted me. I am too tired to write everything haha right now but I must right a few things that struck me

My grandpa, grandma, Jim, Carol, and Bryce seemed to like her. She did great at dinner

She invited me to come to Boise for a weekend. I invited her to Washington in the near future.

She told me she wanted to support me in whatever I wanted to do, whether I failed or not. She told me she thought I was going places and that she felt this incredible trust with me.

I am really, really, really liking this Chelsea Featherstone. I'm a record keeper. I think Chelsea is a keeper. So I'm keeping track of this love story that's unfolding in my life. Am I in a dream? I am having SUCH a great time courting Chelsea Featherstone and excited to see where it goes!
